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Vyhodnocení kvality vozovek v Moravskoslezském kraji

Evaluation of the quality of roads in the Moravian-Silesian Region
VARS BRNO is a leader in automated data collection on roadway quality. It processes regular and one-off measurements for most regional governments and the Road and Motorway Directorate. It uses its own measuring vehicle CleveRA Car.
The basis for each project, in this case specifically for determining the condition of the pavements of Class II and III roads in the Moravian-Silesian Region, is the collection of data using the CleveRA Car multifunctional measuring vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for recording variable parameters of road surfaces and sensing their surface.
A key feature is the LCMS laser scanners, which scan the surface in 3D with a resolution of better than 1 mm at normal travel speeds (80 km/h)—this allows measurements to be made without traffic restrictions not only on roads but also on motorways and expressways. All measurements are performed simultaneously; the data is synchronised and geolocated.
The processed data in the form of maps and graphs present a comprehensive picture of the state of the road network. Specifically, in the case of the Moravian-Silesian Region, data collection took place for only 20 days between 15 October 2022 and 23 November 2022.
During this time, CleveRA Car recorded data on 896 km of Class II roads and 1912 km of Class III roads. A total of 3704 lane kilometres were measured. The data was submitted to the Contracting Authority in March 2023.
Measurements in the Moravian-Silesian Region
See information about measurements in the Moravian-Silesian Region:
3708 km
measured lanes on roads
measuring days
401 km
maximum mileage of CleveRA car per day
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